GT Norman Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Plan

In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)

Parents, staff, and the building administrator have developed this Parent and Family Engagement Plan in accordance with the ESSA Section 1116 activities which are accomplished at GT Norman School in the ways listed in each Section.

ESSA Section

Ways in Which GT Norman School Staff Accomplish These Activities

1116(b)(1) This Plan has been jointly developed and distributed to parents and family members in a language that can be understood. The Plan is updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.

Describe the development of the Plan, including the stakeholders involved, the steps taken to ensure the Plan is understood, and the process for updating the Plan.

The Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan is collaboratively developed with input from a diverse group of stakeholders including school staff, parents, and community members. This collaboration will involve an initial meeting where the plan’s components are discussed, followed by feedback sessions to refine the document. Regular communication will happen throughout the year.

Stakeholders Involved:

  • School administrators

  • Teachers

  • Parents

  • Title I coordinators

  • Para educators

1116(c)(1) Convene an Annual Title I Parent Meeting at a time convenient to parents to inform parents of the Title I requirements and their right to be involved.

An annual meeting is held which includes information for parents on the 3rd week of September annually.

How are parents encouraged to attend? Multiple reminders via phone calls, emails, and flyers. Small incentives or refreshments are offered to encourage attendance.

1116(c)(2) Offer flexible number of meetings at times convenient to parents and provide transportation, childcare, or home visits as it relates to parental involvement.

Meetings are offered at times convenient for parents and if needed, transportation, childcare, and home visits can be arranged:

The annual meeting will be held in the evening with dinner and childcare provided.

1116(c)(3) Involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely way in the planning, reviewing, and improvement of Title I programs, including the development, review, and improvement of the Parent and Family Engagement Plan and the Schoolwide Program Plan.

Parents are involved in the development of the School Improvement Plan and Title I Program development in the following ways:

School Improvement Plan Development: Through committees and incentivized perception surveys.

Title I Program Reviews: Participation in surveys and feedback throughout the year.

Program Improvement: Based on feedback, targeted input sessions are held annually to discuss and refine the Title I programs.

1116(c)(4)(A) Provide parents of Title I children timely information about the Title I Program.

Parents are provided information regarding the school Programs in the following ways:

Newsletters: Regular updates are included in grade level newsletters.

Direct Communication: In person meetings and individualized progress reports, information letters sent to students receiving services.

1116(c)(4)(B) Provide parents of Title I children a description and explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure progress, and the achievement levels students are expected to meet.

Parents are provided information about the school’s curriculum, assessments, and proficiency level expectations in the following ways:

Title I Parent Information Night: Parents will be provided information on General Ed and Title I curriculum, assessment, and achievement levels students are expected to meet.

Family Nights: Events to increase parent involvement and provide strategies to support their students at home. Dinner and materials provided.

Resource Guides: Detailed guides are provided to parents outlining curriculum and assessment proficiencies.

1116(c)(4)(C) Provide parents of participating Title I students opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions, to participate in decision-making as it relates to their child’s education, and to respond to any suggestions as soon as possible.

Parents have opportunities to share suggestions, participate in decision making, and respond to any suggestions in the following ways:

Title I Parent Information Night: Parents will be able to ask questions and provide suggestions.

Title I Program Reviews: Participation in surveys and feedback throughout the year.

Program Improvement: Based on feedback, targeted input sessions are held annually to discuss and refine the Title I programs.

Direct Communication: In person meetings and individualized progress reports, information letters sent to students receiving services; parents are provided with contact information for the ability to provide input.

1116(c)(5) Ensure that if the Schoolwide Program Plan is not satisfactory to parents of participating students, submit any parent comments on the Plan when the school makes the Plan available to the Local Educational Agency (LEA).

If parents are not satisfied with the School Improvement Plan or Programs, they have opportunities to make comments by:

Program Improvement: Based on feedback, targeted input sessions are held annually to discuss and refine the Title I programs.

Direct Communication: In person meetings and individualized progress reports, information letters sent to students receiving services; parents are provided with contact information for the ability to provide input.

1116(d) Jointly, with parents, develop a School-Parent Compact that outlines how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d) Clearly explain district and school goals for students to meet the challenging State academic standards.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d) & 1116(d)(1) Describe ways that teachers are responsible for supporting students’ learning and providing high quality curriculum and instruction.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d) & 1116(d)(1) Describe specific ways parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d) Describe specific ways students will be responsible for their learning.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d) & 1116(d)(2)(C) Describe school activities to build partnerships with parents, including chances for parents to volunteer, take part in, and observe classroom activities, and communicate with teachers.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d) & 1116(f) Describe how parents and family members are involved in developing and revising the compact.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(d)(1) & 1116(d)(2)(A-C) Ensure regular two-way meaningful communication between family members and school staff throughout the school year, so that parents are kept up to date on their students’ progress and get regular tips on home learning.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(f) Communicate information using family friendly language and format.

☐ Yes ☐ No

1116(e)(1) Shall provide assistance to parents of students served by the school in understanding the State’s academic content standards, the State and Local assessments, and how to monitor their child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.

How does the staff provide assistance to parents to help them understand the content standards, assessments, how to monitor their child’s progress, and how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children? What training is provided to families?

Title I Parent Information Night: Parents will be provided information on General Ed and Title I curriculum, assessment, and achievement levels students are expected to meet.

Family Nights: Events to increase parent involvement and provide strategies to support their students at home. Dinner and materials provided.

Resource Guides: Detailed guides are provided to parents outlining curriculum and assessment proficiencies.

Direct Communication: All teachers provide weekly newsletters, communication applications, online family portal, and district family communication to communicate content standards, assessments, and how to monitor their ch

1116(e)(2) Shall provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement.

Staff will provide parents with appropriate materials and offer training in our school to enable them to support their child’s academic progress. These include:

Family Nights: Events to increase parent involvement and provide strategies to support their students at home. Dinner and materials provided with at home learning support.

1116(e)(3) Shall educate staff in the value and utility of parents’ contributions, in how to reach out to, and communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, to coordinate and implement parental involvement programs, and to build relationships between the parents and the school.

On-going professional development for staff on effective ways to increase parental involvement occurs annually. They include:

Reading plan meetings: Three times a year staff meet to develop reading plans for struggling students. This includes ways to communicate with parents and troubleshoot any challenging conversations.

Monthly Staff Meetings: Staff meetings are an opportunity to align staff understanding, share resources and strategies, and reinforce the importance of a collaborative approach with parents. This ongoing dialogue can help build a stronger, more engaged school community.

Family Services: Reed City Schools offers family services designed to assist families requiring additional support. Our educators can consult with these specialists to enhance communication with families and ensure their needs are effectively addressed.

1116(e)(4) Shall coordinate and integrate parental involvement Programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local Programs, including public preschool Programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.

Coordination with other Programs for parental involvement includes:

Partnership with local Preschool:
Shared Resources: Develop and share resources such as educational materials to support consistent learning experiences between preschool and elementary school.

Regular Meetings: Establish regular meetings between preschool educators and kindergarten teachers to align curricula and address any challenges in student transition.

Family Services:
Resource Referrals: Create a system for referring families to additional support services, such as counseling, financial assistance, or parenting classes, through collaboration with community agencies.

Family Engagement Events: Host events that connect families with local resources, including health services, legal aid, and community organizations, to address various needs.

Support Groups: Facilitate support groups for parents to share experiences and strategies, fostering a supportive community network.

Student services:
Individualized Support Plans: Develop individualized support plans for students with specific needs, incorporating input from social workers and support specialists to address academic, emotional, and social challenges.

Student Counseling: Provide student counseling sessions to address issues affecting students' well-being and academic performance.

Early Intervention: Implement early intervention strategies for students displaying signs of behavioral or academic difficulties, leveraging the expertise of social workers and support specialists.

Stepping into Kindergarten:
Transition Programs: Design and implement transition programs that include orientation sessions, school tours, and meet-and-greet opportunities for incoming kindergarten students and their parents.

Parent Information Sessions: Offer informational sessions for parents about what to expect in kindergarten, including curriculum highlights, classroom routines, and ways to support their child's learning at home.

Parent Teacher Organization:
Active Involvement Opportunities: Encourage parents to actively participate in PTO meetings and events, and provide clear information on how they can contribute to school activities and decision-making.

Feedback Mechanisms: Establish regular feedback mechanisms for parents to share their ideas and concerns with the PTO, ensuring their voices are heard and valued.

Community Building Events: Organize community-building events such as family fun nights, volunteer opportunities, and educational workshops to strengthen the school community and foster parent engagement.

1116(e)(5) Shall ensure information is shared with parents in a language and format they can understand.

Information is shared with parents in a language and format they can understand. Examples include:

Title I Parent Information Night: Parents will be provided information on General Ed and Title I curriculum, assessment, and achievement levels students are expected to meet.

Direct Communication: All teachers provide weekly newsletters, communication applications, online family portal, and district family communication to communicate content standards, assessments, and how to monitor their ch

1116(e)(14) Shall provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request.

Parents are provided with other reasonable support such as: Parents can reach out to the office and ask for help. We have a policy to communicate within 48 hours. Parents are able to request additional resources for at home support. This information is provided in our parent/student handbook and is regularly communicated through updates.

1116(f) Shall provide full opportunities for participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.

Staff provide opportunities for full parent participation:

Multilingual Materials: Develop and distribute educational materials, notices, and resources in multiple languages to ensure accessibility for non-English speaking families.

Individualized Support: Work with parents to understand their specific needs and provide personalized support to facilitate their full participation in school activities.

Cultural Competency Training: Provide ongoing training for staff on cultural competency, inclusivity, and sensitivity to better support all families and address their diverse needs.

Feedback Channels: Create mechanisms for parents to provide feedback on their participation experiences and identify any barriers they face, allowing for continuous improvement in engagement practices.